"Tutor For The Feadóg Stáin" was originally published by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann in 1971. The PDF document below is the revised version from 1975. It's a very methodical tutor, going through each of the rolls in order with a tune for each. This book is out of print, and I doubut it will ever be reprinted. There are much better and more comprehensive books available today. But this little book got many started on the tin whistle - myself included - so the nostalgia value will be high for many.
My own copy of this book was lost many years ago, so I bought this one on eBay. There are various annotations in it from its original owner.
The accompanying tape contains all the tunes, with most of them broken down into phrases so that you can learn them by ear rather than by "the dots" if that's what you prefer.
The quality of the recording is not great, but it's as good as I could get from the original cassette.